#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import sys import argparse import socket from datetime import datetime import can from can import Bus, BusState, Logger import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt def decon(msg_id): msg_prio=msg_id>>26 msg_type=(msg_id>>24) & 0x03 msg_dst=(msg_id>>16) & 0xFF msg_src=(msg_id>>8) & 0xFF msg_cmd=msg_id & 0xFF print("prio: ", hex(msg_prio),"type: ", hex(msg_type)," dst: ", hex(msg_dst)," src: ", hex(msg_src)," cmd: ",hex(msg_cmd)) return [msg_prio, msg_type, msg_dst, msg_src, msg_cmd] def on_connect(mcp_mqtt, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code "+str(rc)) # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed. mcp_mqtt.subscribe("can/raw") mcp_mqtt.subscribe("ctest/#") def on_message(mcp_mqtt, userdata, msg): local_bus=userdata topic=msg.topic print("data Received topic: ", topic) m_decode=str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8","ignore")) print("data Received",m_decode) msg_id=int(m_decode.split('#')[0],16) msg_data=int(m_decode.split('#')[1],16) print(msg_data) m = can.Message(arbitration_id=msg_id, data=[msg_data], extended_id=True) try: local_bus.send(m) except BaseException as e: logging.error("Error sending can message {%s}: %s" % (m, e)) print("data sent to CAN",m) def main(): verbosity = 2 logging_level_name = ['critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'subdebug'][min(5, verbosity)] can.set_logging_level(logging_level_name) can_filters = [] config = {"can_filters": can_filters, "single_handle": True} config["interface"] = "socketcan" config["bitrate"] = 125000 bus = Bus("can1", **config) print('Connected to {}: {}'.format(bus.__class__.__name__, bus.channel_info)) print('Can Logger (Started on {})\n'.format(datetime.now())) mcp_mqtt = mqtt.Client() mcp_mqtt.on_connect = on_connect mcp_mqtt.on_message = on_message mcp_mqtt.user_data_set(bus) mcp_mqtt.connect("mcp", 1883, 60) try: while True: mcp_mqtt.loop_start() msg = bus.recv(1) if msg is not None: de=decon(msg.arbitration_id) m= { "prio": hex(de[0]), "type": hex(de[1]), "dst": hex(de[2]), "src": hex(de[3]), "cmd": hex(de[4]), "data": "".join("%02x" % b for b in msg.data) } print(m) mcp_mqtt.publish("can/rx", str(m)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: bus.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main()