#!/bin/bash ## (c) by wiebel (wiebel42@gmail.com) # Function to display the returncode of the previous command if not zero source "/usr/share/git/git-prompt.sh" ps1_return() { if [ "$1" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$1 " fi return "$1" } # Generating the not symlinked part of the Working directory # Needs to be improved, by the use of $DIRSTACK, should be waaaay easier ps1_pre() { ret=$? # Buffer the returncode dir=$PWD dir_komp=$PWD #if grep -q ^$HOME <<< $PWD if [ -z "${PWD/${HOME}*}" ]; then athome=true # dir_komp=$(sed -e "s/^$(sed -e "s:/:\\\/:g" <<<$HOME)/~/" <<< $dir) dir_komp=${dir/${HOME}/\~} while [ "$PWD" != "$HOME" ]; do # if readlink "$PWD" >/dev/null; then if [ -L "$PWD" ]; then sym=true cd .. dir=$PWD/ else cd .. fi done # dir=$(sed -e "s/^$(sed -e "s:/:\\\/:g" <<<$HOME)/~/" <<< $dir) dir=${dir/${HOME}/\~} else athome=false while [ "$PWD" != "/" ] && [ "$PWD" != "//" ]; do # if readlink "$PWD" >/dev/null if [ -L "$PWD" ]; then sym=true cd .. dir=$PWD/ else cd .. fi done fi #if [ `wc -c <<< $dir_komp` -gt "30" ] if [ ${#dir_komp} -gt "30" ]; then if [ $sym ]; then if $athome; then # shellcheck disable=SC2088 dir="~/$(cut -d/ -f2 <<< $dir)/..." else dir="/$(cut -d/ -f2 <<< $dir)/..." fi else dir="$(sed -e 's:\(/[^/]*/\).*\(/[^/]\):\1...\2:' <<< ${dir})" # dir="${dir/\(\/[^/]*\/\).*\(\/[^/]\)/\1...\2}" # dir=${dir/${HOME}/\~} fi fi echo -e "${dir}" return $ret } # coloring if we're at home or not ps1_pre_color(){ ret=$? #if grep -q $HOME <<<$PWD if [ -z "${PWD/${HOME}*}" ]; then echo -e "${HOME_COLOR}" else echo -e "${ROOT_COLOR}" fi return $ret } # Now to the colors for the symlinked part of it ps1_dir_color() { ret=$? #If we're not at home make it $ROOT_SYM d_color=$ROOT_SYM # If we're anywhere at home make it $HOME_SYM #if grep -q ^$HOME <<< $PWD if [ -z "${PWD/${HOME}*}" ]; then d_color=$HOME_SYM fi # Check if we really are where we ought to be (if there is a symlink in the path) while [ "$PWD" != "/" ] && [ "$PWD" != "//" ]; do # if readlink "$PWD" >/dev/null if [ -L "$PWD" ]; then # There is a symlink so now show me you're true color new_path=$(readlink "$PWD") cd ../ || return 2 cd "$new_path" || return 2 if [ -z "${PWD/${HOME}*}" ]; then d_color=${HOME_SYM} else d_color=${ROOT_SYM} fi else cd .. fi done echo -e "$d_color" return $ret } # Ok show me the symlinked part of the path ps1_dir() { ret=$? # echo $1 #if grep -q ^~ <<< $1 if [ -z "${1/\~*}" ]; then # d=$(sed -e "s:~:$HOME:" <<<"$*") d=${*/\~/${HOME}} else d="$*" fi if [ "$d" = "$PWD" ]; then dir="" elif grep -q "\.\.\.$" <<<"$d"; then dir="$(sed -e "s:.*\(/[!/]*\):\1:" <<< $PWD)" elif grep -q "\/\.\.\.\/" <<< "$d"; then dir="" else dir="$(sed -e "s/^$(sed -e "s:/:\\\/:g" <<<"$d")//" <<< $PWD)" fi echo -e "$dir" return $ret } # So another thing, good to know is, if i am allowed to write, so here we go ... ps1_write() { ret=$? if [ -w "$PWD" ]; then echo -e "$ON_COLOR" else echo -e "$OFF_COLOR" fi return $ret } # Do i own the current dir ?? ps1_own() { ret=$? if [ -O "$PWD" ]; then echo -e "$ON_COLOR" else echo -e "$OFF_COLOR" fi return $ret } # Now to the root or not to root question (slightly modificated from the original profile) # i've not yet came to it to set all colors to variable so feel free to adjust ;) if [ "$(/usr/bin/whoami)" = "root" ]; then # Do not set PS1 for dumb terminals if [ "$TERM" != 'dumb' ] && [ -n "$BASH" ]; then # like always no username for root for he is red PS1pre='\A ' PS1U='' PS1H='\[\033[01;31m\]\h' # here we enlight if root does own it or not # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1P='\[$(ps1_own)\]\$ \[\033[0m\]' # patch up the returncode # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1ret='\[\033[01;31m\]$(ps1_return $?)' #and now for the pwd stuff # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1dir='\[$(ps1_pre_color)\]$(ps1_pre)\[$(ps1_dir_color)\]$(ps1_dir $(ps1_pre))' # I found no other solution than embracing the colors right here 'cause # echo -e "\[...\]" doesn't work for any reason. # Another point where help would be appreciated ;) # ok now stitch it together export PS1="${PS1pre}${PS1U}${PS1H} ${PS1dir} ${PS1ret}${PS1P}" fi else # Do not set PS1 for dumb terminals if [ "$TERM" != 'dumb' ] && [ -n "$BASH" ]; then PS1pre='\A ' PS1U='\[\033[01;33m\]\u' # Not to forget to enlight the @ to show if we are owner # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1H='\[$(ps1_own)\]@\[\033[00;32m\]\h' # and enlight the $ if we are to write # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1P='\[$(ps1_write)\]\$ \[\033[0m\]' # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1ret='\[\033[01;31m\]$(ps1_return $?)' # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1dir='\[$(ps1_pre_color)\]$(ps1_pre)\[$(ps1_dir_color)\]$(ps1_dir $(ps1_pre))' # shellcheck disable=SC2016 PS1git='$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")' export PS1="${PS1pre}${PS1U}${PS1H} ${PS1dir}\[${ON_COLOR}\]${PS1git} ${PS1ret}${PS1P}" fi fi ROOT_COLOR="\033[01;34m" # blue HOME_COLOR="\033[01;33m" # yellow ROOT_SYM="\033[00;36m" HOME_SYM="\033[00;33m" SYM_COLOR="\033[00;36m" # cyan ON_COLOR="\033[01;97m" # white OFF_COLOR="\033[01;37m" # grey